
Hello, I'm Elshaday

Web Developer,

UI/UX Designer, Creative Writer

A multi-versed software developer with 3 years of experience building apps for the web.

About me

A little bit on my background

I'm a Software Engineering graduate focusing on web and mobile app development. I specialize in technologies such as React and React Native, and love to design high quality products with keen attention to user experience.


Technologies I work with on a daily basis



Team work always results in fruitful products



React, Redux, Django

A web application used for collecting, managing and analyzing surveys.

Role: Developer

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React, Django

Zefra is a platform that connects employers and job seekers in an efficiently curated manner.

Role: Developer

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Abu Naturals


An e-commerce site for shopping natural products

Role: Developer

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ideas - research - creative writing

Generator Functions in JavaScript

Web development

Generator functions allows us to take control of execution flow and yield multiple values on demand.

The framework-less framework - Svelte.

frontend tools

Svelte is a UI framework that helps us build reusable and self-contained components in plain HTML, CSS and JavaScript...

Why you should switch to Redux Toolkit, Part I

frontend tools

If you have been using Redux for managing your application’s state, you unfortunately know how much of a tiresome work it is to get it right...

A deeper look into React Native and its architecture, Part I

frontend tools

React Native is a framework that allows the development of robust cross platform applications using the popular JavaScript library, React...

Interested in working together?

Website made with SvelteKit and TailwindCSS. Hosted on Vercel.